Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mix tapes the New Era

It’s so many people out there that are coming up from this fast growing idea of a mix tape. It is a sure way to promote your music and get your name out there.  People like Lil Wayne and Drake have made this category huge. Personally I love Wayne mix tapes more that most of his albums. Why are they doing so well?

It’s always been huge to get a record deal. Even when I was a kid I wanted to be just like Brandy and sign to a major record label. To have a label backing you was huge. You have to listen to the labels creativity and desires. You have no choice but to do the music they want you to do. You have to perform how they want you to perform. With all the puppetry you do at least they fund all the projects as well as pay you. This is pretty much what it is like to get signed to a label. 

When I think of an artist I think of one that wants to express them self through whatever avenue. Being apart of a label isn’t much of that anymore. It’s more about being marketable than anything else. When I heard mix tapes from Chris Brown, Chrisette Michelle and Elle Varner this year I looked at mix tapes in a whole new prospective.  Chris Brown “In My Zone” was a completely different artist that he would of never got to express on a label. That is where “No Bullshit” surfaced don’t get me started on “In my Zone 2” its lots of my favorites there.  Elle Varner put her heart into he mix tape and a great album followed.

Mix tapes are a chance to go independent from a label and do what you want. It is a chance to create what expresses you most. It has proven to be a great platform for up and coming artist and current artist to do what they want to do.  It’s a great way to remind us of your capabilities if we have forgotten. The downfall is if someone picks it up and uses it in a commercial or on their show you can’t get paid on it. In that most mix tapes take samples from current popular hits. Its not all fully your own works. Its kind of funny if all else fails put out a mix tape its free we will listen.

If you will click here you can find more on the differences between albums, mix tapes, and singles. 

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