Monday, December 10, 2012

AMA Mission Accomplished

I was apart of the American Marketing Association starting in high school through college. The association has always done great things in my time of being apart. It truly believes in building the generation before them into the best that they can be. I was apart of many programs and it was experiences I can forever take with me. When it comes to marketing jobs there is a very tough stigma. The industry is competitive first and foremost. When companies go through cut backs and economic down falls, one of the first places they cut back is the marketing department.  So as a mission the Marketing Association has banned together and created a solid mission. The decided their mission is to serve as a forum to connect like-minded individuals and foster knowledge sharing, provide resources, tools and training and support marketing practice and thought leadership around the globe.  Their website does just that. Being a member of the association keeps you connected through daily emails and events worth your wild.

The most intriguing part to the industry to me would be the job-seeking segment of them. As a college graduate I was completely nervous to go out there and reach for a marketing position. Its intimidating to walk into and office with a degree and nerves and say hire me! So if you go to their website you will find a career management tab. How awesome is it for a group of professionals and teacher to give back to the community and post jobs advice and trends. These people know the industry. They live in it everyday. So I took the time and searched the possibilities and I noticed they were real opportunities.  Lets be honest how many sites and job finding sites have you took part in and found some of the most bogus postings.  It even got to the point that I almost was scared to give my information. I still can’t get some of them to stop emailing.

This is awesome to the industry in that it promotes growth. To step back and pull those who love the industry and give them honest guides to seek employment. Like I said before there is often great concern about the security of the marketing world. So to stumble upon this in my research gave me a warm feeling.

If you are out there looking for a job in marketing and don’t know how to go about it take a second and join those of like minds and search a site that has your best interest at heart. 

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